In order to better serve you, below are links to the publications we have available to you in our office. They have been saved in the PDF format for your convenience to save or print.
Please let us know if there is a topic you would like more information about and we will do our best to get that to you. E-mail US!
Conditions Acupuncture Treats | Want Natural Pain Relief? |
Headaches & Migraines | Want to Have a Baby? |
Back Pain | Women's Health |
Sports Injury | Facial Rejuvenation |
Insomnia | Menopause |
Eye Diseases, Macular Degeneration | Chronic Fatigue |
Colds & Flu | Fibromyalgia |
Allergies & Asthma | Weight Control |
Depression, Grief & Anxiety | Digestion, IBS, Crohn's |
Smoking / Addictions | Want to Live a Long Life? |
Interstitial Cystitis Testimonial | New Info Coming |